Donald Trump and Social Media

In today's society, the majority of people get carried away with thinking they wouldn't be at certain places without social media. For example, the reason why a person gets a job is because a person on their social media platform was introducing their business company to get their followers to join their business.

President Trump has stated that he would not be where he is today with out social media in general. According to an article on VOA News , President Trump defended his regular use of social media and said that he may not have won the White House without it. He is specifically referring to the use of Twitter because this is his platform of choice. It's also another way to keep the people updated on what is going on and his current plans.

"Tweeting is like a typewriter. When I put it out, you immediately put in on your show. I doubt I would be here if it weren't for social media, to be honest with you." said President Trump.

This is the world we are in today. We often rely on social media in general to gain opportunities that we thought we wouldn't get without using them. This issue is so common (in America especially), that even our own president is saying that he could not have possibly accomplished all things without social media. Although President Trump's republican leaders have tried to encourage him to cut back on the use of Twitter, he would continue to rely on Twitter. We will continues to use social media as an essential resource because we tend to be overly engaged in the use of our social media platforms.


  1. I don't think it's healthy for anyone to be on Twitter as much as our president.

  2. I have to agree that Trump should maybe cut back a little on Twitter.

  3. Social media is such a huge part of a lot of people's lives. I think there can be overuse of it, but I don't know where I'd draw the line, because Twitter, and social media in general, are a great way to keep people updated and get in touch with new people. Social media is becoming an invaluable resource for people who are in the public eye, and I don't think that's going to change anytime soon.


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