Perfecting Your Posts

The posts we share on social media is what makes our profile valuable. In addition, our posts is the foundation of our social media profile. After reading Chapter 3, I was able to review and get a better insight on the steps on how to perfect your posts. One of my main purposes to sharing my content is to have others re-share them, and the more re-shares I will get the more followers and interaction my profile will receive. The chapter briefly explains what it takes to create posts that will add value to the lives of your followers or anybody on social media who will view your profile. In the beginning of the chapter, there are some questions to keep in mind before you post on your profile: "what am I trying to say?", "what words will express it?', "what image or idiom will make it clearer?", and "is this image fresh enough to have an effect?" As long as you are confident enough to know that your post consists of the factors that are within those questions, you should not have any worries on what you post and how your posts will look.

Apart from having people share my posts as a primary goal, another big goal of mine is to stay valuable. That is providing more information, analysis, and most importantly, entertainment. Others only observe how important you are based on your posts because they say a lot about who you are and your interests. Additionally, being interesting is also a key component to making you valuable as a social media blogger. Many times people categorize one thing that they assume a majority of followers would be highly interested in such as a hobby or a certain lifestyle. They would only posts stuff that is only based on the one thing they truly enjoy. Is there something wrong with that? No. As long as you make the posts interesting and convincing to others to check out the content. One thing to take into consideration is to share innovative ideas that would persuade your followers into applying that to whatever it may be. But the key is to be broad with all the posts by sharing as much useful information as possible that might grasp the followers attention because the information may be brand new to others and that is the ultimate attention.

Apart from being bold, brief, thankful, and visual, which are all terrific components, the main key is being organized. As simple and straightforward as it might sound, organizing is huge in social media. Your posts would be a lot easier to examine and read because the information is organized into smaller chunks. Furthermore, it reduces the tl;dr (too long; didn't read) effect. The whole point is to have others fully read your posts! What good is it to put an overload of information that does not grasp any attention? Nothing! So breaking it down in pieces so that people can understand little by little produces more comfort, more understanding, and more desire.


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