Putting All Things Together

In the last chapter of The Art of Social Media, Kawaski talks about putting everything together on your social media profile. That is to set the foundation and amass your digital assets. But the way the Chapter digs deep is brought into many details. In the beginning of the chapter, they were using a nonfiction book-launch scenario as an example because book launches touch upon a variety elements of social media. Although not all those steps are applicable to every situation, but it's useful to see a complete list of ideas that could potentially make an impact in a social media platform. This tactic is primarily used by people who would not consider themselves quite the "professionals". Instead, the strategy is only for untrained amateurs. If you are a professional, meaning you know all there is to know about social media, you are involved in a business, and you are accustomed to weeks of strategizing, testing, and consensus-building inside a large agency, than this strategy will make your "head explode". Why? Because the professionals already have more than enough strategies to enhance their platform. This tactic would not be of great use.

As I had mentioned earlier, setting the foundation is the most important step in putting all things together. A start of that is refreshing all profiles, avatars, and e-mail signatures while making them match, refreshing all bios such as Wikipedia or LinkedIn and making sure they match. Another step to building the foundation is to create author pages on Amazon and Goodreads. Those links should contain more specialized information about you. Also, what is also useful is creating a media kit that includes the cover, blurbs, description, bios, and author photos and creating a one-page website for the book.

Now we get to the process to amass your digital assets. That basically comes down to creating a three to four second intro/outro clip with all other videos and creating a thirty-second video about this book. Another helpful step is writing nearly a one-thousand-word LinkedIn long-form post summarizing the book. Then it finally comes down to going to market. That is, sharing at least two curated posts per day per platform, sharing the five-hundred-word posts at the rate of two per week, scheduling them to run out the week before publication day, and scheduling a twitter chat and a thirty minute Hangout on Air during the week of publication.

In conclusion, the lists above may be challenging to achieve, but it is definitely achievable if your mind is put toward accomplishing those goals. Following these steps is important to you and create a positive image of yourself and making sure that all appropriate actions are being used wisely to maintain a good profile. Remember, anything you post and your engagement to anything on your profile will say a lot about you and your personal interests. It is for your benefit to "put all these things together" to have a successful drive in completing your personal social media platform.


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