Social Media also being a News Platform

Any social media platform you may think of has updates on what is going on in our world whether its Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or Twitter. In other words, both national and local news is shared on social media. Depending on where you are located, the social media platform you are using will automatically engage in the news events that are occurring in your residing area. Personally for me, I was never into watching the news on the television or reading the newspaper. Therefore, I was never entirely informed on the events that were occurring. However, ever since I became a heavy user on social media, I have always been up to date on current news events.

Because social media has become a powerful source in producing news media, more and more people neglect the use of watching television and reading the paper because they have become adapted to using social media on their gadgets. Furthermore, they have also become informed on news events, which would draw them away from their old habits and become more comfortable sticking to getting more information through their social media platforms.


  1. I definitely agree that social media is a news outlet in so many ways. I have found myself also more informed due to digging into a trend I am seeing occur on Twitter or even comments to a post that wasn’t originally on my feed. I never really watched news either, but I would agree that I feel informed by social media!


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