President Trump expresses how he feels on Twitter about LaVar Ball not saying "thank you" for saving his son, LiAngelo Ball, from jail time in China

UCLA basketball player and son of LaVar Ball, LiAngelo Ball, was arrested in China on November 7 for shoplifting along with other UCLA teammates. The moment this incident occurred, President Trump made a defense against LiAngelo and saved him from being imprisoned in China. Instead, LiAngelo was released back to the U.S. with no jail time. After everything was settled, President Trump had expected a display of gratitude from the Ball family, especially the father, LaVar Ball.

LaVar Ball did not end up thanking President Trump after this incident. LaVar said "Why do I gotta give thanks? Let me handle my son and lets stay in our lanes." President Trump did not take this response too lightly. This situation had aggravated the president. He then posted a tweet on Twitter about how he should have left the players in jail because LaVar Ball was being ungrateful. For the president himself tweeting negatively gives the Ball family a bad reputation.


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